• Technology’s Role in Brokerage Success

    The quantity and quality of brokerage specific tech products in today’s market are proving useful for many brokerages. Hear from three vendors who discuss:

    – How to stop wasting time in portals using coverage comparison tools
    – How to develop quick and detailed Commercial submissions that get your clients to the top of the underwriter pile
    – How to offload back-office processes that are high volume, repetitive and subject to strict compliance/audit measures

    There’s an imminent need to prop up brokerage operations due to staffing shortages, operational pressures and consumer demand. Technology is here to help.


    Christy Barsalou

    President & CEO, QuickFacts

    Nick Kidd

    CEO & Co-Founder, Quotey

    Sara Mitre

    Customer Success Manager, Quandri

  • Communicating Industry Change

    Insurance products and procedures are changing, and effective client communication is the best response. In this dual hosted session, common scenarios brokers find themselves in will be discussed and solutions for effectively positioning the message and delivering the news will be presented. Sample scenarios include:

    – Communicating price increases on policies
    – Encouraging adequate coverage, even if it costs more
    – Empathetically sharing news about a claim

    In a changing industry, good communication can go a long way. That doesn’t make it easier, but it’s our best path forward.


    Warren Weeks

    Principal, Weeks Media

    Brett Boadway

    Chief Operating Officer, IBAO

  • So your clients think they won’t be cyber attacked?
    Think again.

    An increasing number of small businesses have been attacked by cyber criminals, and we have the data to prove it. In this workshop you’ll learn about loss stories, who the actors are and why they’re succeeding. We’ll help you start those conversations with your clients about what they can and should be doing to protect themselves.


    Zair Kamal

    Cyber Specialist, HSB Canada

  • Intentional Leadership

    Leadership is a mindset, not a position. Sometimes even the most stressful situations can be leveraged for success. In this workshop you’ll learn how your mindset affects the way you lead, how to be intentional with your abilities, how to identify actions that support intentional leadership and how to flex critical muscles to be a true leader.


    Aneika Ince-Mercer

    AVP Leadership Development, CAA Club Group

    Joanna Marra

    Director of Wellness, CAA Club Group

  • Everyday Leadership

    Leaders show up at different times, in different ways. People can thrive as leaders no matter what their title is. In this interactive workshop you’ll hear examples of different types of leaders in everyday life through personal and professional stories and leave with practical tips to immediately apply in your role as a broker.


    Gavin Mascarenhas

    Vice President, Claim, Travelers

    Trevor Wall

    Vice President, Business Insurance, Travelers

    Amy German

    Vice President, National Brokers and Broker Experience, Travelers

  • Leading Ahead of the Curve

    In today’s ever-changing work environment, relying on outdated leadership techniques is like using a landline in the age of smartphones. Discover modern leadership practices and learn how to adapt your style to meet the challenges of remote work, diverse teams and rapid tech advancements by leveraging practical strategies, interactive discussion and actionable steps.


    Chris Asper

    Professor, Leadership Coach & Podcaster